Modbus Schneider iEM3155

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  • Gast


    Modbus Schneider iEM3155


    Today I've received the Modbus extension for Loxone. To read out some values of the Schneider iEM3155 kWh meter.

    But unfortunally, i receive strange values like -3165496198198 and so on ...
    Baud rate, parity, and modbus address looks the same like the Schneider.

    Does someone has a clue?

  • Gast


    I have some these energy meters.

    I will send you template (xml definition) from that path : "c:\ProgramData\Loxone\Loxone Config 8.0\Templates\Comm\MB_Schneider electric EM3xxx.xml"

    When you copy that file into your path and after restart Config, you will have new modbus device in Config program.

    But it is Czech version of description, but I think it helps. File is compressed into ZIP.

    Output looks like "Odebraná energie import 1_2" is higher doubleword and "Odebraná energie import 2_2" lower doubleword

    ("Odebraná energie import 1_2" * 4294967296 + "Odebraná energie import 2_2") / 1000 is Total Active Energy Import [kWh]

    Odebraná energie import = Total Active Energy Import

    modbus address 3204 by manual, you must set it to 3203 into Loxone.

    btw. my default modbus channel is set to 3, not 1 !!!!!!!!!!!! you must change it

    Have a nice day
    Angehängte Dateien
    Zuletzt geändert von Gast; 15.09.2016, 17:01.


    • Gast

      You are awesome !!

      I'm gonna take a quick Czech language lesson

      Thanks alot !!!


      • Gast

        Do someone have the xml file that ChipSi is referring to? Or a updated version? I have problem to get my iEM3155 to work with loxone.
        Thanks in advance!


        • Gast

          Hi DeVersion,

          can I help You ?


          • Gast

            Hi ChpSi

            I got it to work after some time back and forward. The only thing Im missing is power (W) for each phase. According to the manual the iEM3155 should be able to send this alos. Only get "0"


            • Gast

              Hello, any idea why you must use register-1 to access the correct register?

