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I have an air conditioning device that may be controllable via UART.
It has functions of On/Off and fan speed control. The manufacturer advises the protocol is UART (TTL levels from 0V to 3.0V, pins TX/RX, 115200 baud, 8-n-1).
I can't find any Loxone documentation on this subject.
Can someone advise if there's any way to integrate this protocol with the miniserver?
Ich spreche kein Deutsch. Gib Google Translate die Schuld, wenn ich unverständlich bin.
Evapolar is a family of personal evaporative air coolers
The application is in a remote enclosure for temperature control. A continuous water supply is provided instead of the unit's limited water tank.
It has no remote control. A simple hardware integration is to use a Loxone Digital Output to control the ON/OFF function. It's just 5V.
The fan speed control is more complex. The bezel rotates like an iPod. Below and inside the bezel circumference are multiple stalks at about 5 degree spacing. These break the light path between an IR diode and a receiver. Somehow it cleverly works out the direction of bezel rotation for fan speed increase and decrease.
I'm thinking of wiring onto the IR receiver IC and trying to reproduce signal output of the bezel rotation.
Does the Analogue Multiclick function block provide scope for selectable voltage outputs as 'clicks'?
Ich spreche kein Deutsch. Gib Google Translate die Schuld, wenn ich unverständlich bin.
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