Energy Monitor function block formulas

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    Energy Monitor function block formulas

    Hi all,

    Do anybody has any clue how daily consumption is formulated from the inputs? I tried several ways, but it seems the the Produced Power always added to the Consumption so I got useless data from that. Pp and Pv inputs seems work well, as the Triangle diagram on the User interface (Grid/Production/Consumption) shows correct values. Energy Produced , Power Production, and Power Consumption also looks good, but Energy Consumed is totally scrap,it seems it is the total of production and consumption.

    Thanks for any help in advance.

    Best Regards,
  • Gast

    I have a feeling that this function block is not to capture the gross production and gross consumption, but either to capture gross production and net consumption from utility provider or vica versa. My idea was that it calculates the export to/from grid from those two and also the net yield, but it seems it has different logic. Anybody has any experience with this?



    • Tico
      Lox Guru
      • 31.08.2016
      • 1035

      I don't have accurate insight into whether gross or net figures are being used but I did notice errors in setting up the energy monitor were retained by the energy counters (power counters are instantaneous and not affected).

      Resetting the energy monitor and rebooting the miniserver to zeroise all energy counters helped.
      Ich spreche kein Deutsch. Gib Google Translate die Schuld, wenn ich unverständlich bin.


      • Gast

        Thanks Tico for your comment and suggestion. Unfortunately zeroing out not helped much, furthermore as I noticed zeroing counters not affect historical data. For me at least everything except current day data remained the same. I completely replaced by a new function block to have a clear history.

        I tried several setup for wiring the inputs into the function block but noting really helps. For a while I believed I have the solution when I feed to Energy Consumption input only with the net of produced and consumed energy, but I had to learn that for some reason in this case when there were no production the consumption data was not recorded at all. (@ Energy Consumption graph)
        I am close to give up straggling with this, I am capturing in a separate utility meter the consumption and only use Energy monitor to check the production/consumption/grid separation of current power flow.

        Also interesting fact, that despite all data should be given you can not have any information on the export to the grid Energy data, despite a separate input is dedicated to this data...

        Any experience / suggestion welcome on the correct input parametering for this function block.



        • Tico
          Lox Guru
          • 31.08.2016
          • 1035

          Ep Analogue input energy total energy produced [kWh]
          Pp Analogue input power current production power [kW]
          Ev Analogue input energy total energy consumed [kWh]

          Depending on paramater A, Ev is added or is an absolute value. This input is necessary for recording statistics.
          Pv Analogue input power Current consumption [kW]
          • Positive when power is imported from the grid.
          • Negative when power is exported to the grid.
          This input is for the user interface only.
          Ed Analogue Input Supplied energy by the supplier(kWh)
          Depending on parameter A this is added or taken as absolute value.
          R Reset Resets all the counter values to 0.
          AQP Current production Shows the power produced in kW.
          AQP1 Today's production Shows the power produced today in kWh.
          AQP2 This month's production Shows the power produced this month in kWh.
          AQP3 This year's production Shows the power produced this year in kWh.
          AQP4 Total production Shows the total power produced in kWh. Also shown on the user interface.
          AQC Current consumption Shows the current consumption (power) in kW, also shown on the user interface.
          AQc1 Today's consumption Outputs the day's consumption in kWh, reset each day at midnight.
          AQc2 This month's consumption Outputs the month's consumption in kWh, reset on the first day of the month at midnight.
          AQc3 This year's consumption Outputs the year's consumption in kWh, reset on the first day of the first month of the year at midnight.
          AQc4 Total consumption The total consumption in kWh, also shown on the user interface.
          AQi1 Today's yield Outputs the day's yield in currency, reset each day at midnight.
          AQi2 This month's yield Outputs the month's yield in currency, reset on the first day of the month at midnight.
          AQi3 This year's yield Outputs the year's yield in currency, reset on the first day of the first month of the year at midnight.
          AQi4 Total yield The total yield in currency, also shown on the user interface.
          S Status The status code of the inverter is output here.
          E Error If the inverter has an error the relevant code for the error will be output here.
          Prd Feed price Price per unit for exporting electricity to the grid in £s.
          Prc Cost price Price per unit for importing electricity from the grid in £s.
          CO2 Conversion factor Carbon offset calculation (Kg CO2/kWh). The exact CO2 savings factor can be obtained from your energy provider.
          A Input Ev mode 0 = values ​​on input Ev are added, 1 = the value on input Ev is an absolute value.

          Does Parameter A make a difference? It suggests Parameter A is necessary for recording statistics?

          Ich spreche kein Deutsch. Gib Google Translate die Schuld, wenn ich unverständlich bin.


          • Gast

            My experience is that, as the description suggest, if set to 0 then the it consider the data it get on Ev and Ed is incremental values, so it cumulates those values (not really got the point in that as from a counter you not getting the incremental data but the absolulte counter value), if set to 1 then it considers the value as an absolute value (the state of the PM counter), and maybe, and this is just a notion, making consumption as a difference of absolute values in different time. Maybe I am wrong, but my experience was that with this parameter.

            I think not parameter A is mandatory for the statistics but the Ev input itself.
            Zuletzt geändert von Gast; 19.09.2016, 20:32.

