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Learn about how to receive UDP commands from the Loxone Miniserver and how to send UDP commands to add remote control.
(if I get it correctly, http requires polling)
But are there some best practices regarding this?
Do I make 1 UDP input connector and put all virtual UDP input commands on that one?
Or can I make multiple UDP input connectors and put differnt UDP input commands on each of them?
So far unsuccessful... I can send network packets to my Squeezebox, but not to my computer. Receiving from computer also does not work.
I will install Microsoft Message Analyzer to sniff the packets...
Find out more how you control and configuration of a Loxone system is possible through simple HTTP commands.
You can read and modify any function block my calling the REST command to a unique function block name. You also can create virtual inputs in your program and set values or on and off.
Thanks! I overlooked those... For sending things to the Miniserver that may indeed be the easiest option.
For sending something from the miniserver to another device, I feel tcp or udp is better suited (no polling on receiver side required). Consequently, I assumed the same protocol for both directions would make most sense.
Ideally, I would like to have bi-directional communication between the Miniserver and a computer running EventGhost. But it is a lengthy process. I'm just finishing the lights (still working on getting the dimmer control working) and started playing with the temperature controls. In between I try other things (squeezebox, eventghost) to have some variety. :-)
My attention shifted to integrating the thermostats first (winter is coming). The communication between EventGhost/Squeezebox and Loxone would be for mediacontrol, and I will get back to that later. I am thinking of also involving OpenRemote, to have a user interface for media control that is nicer than the Loxone one, so while I will add basic control in the Loxone, the more detailed control may be delegated to OpenRemote. It requires a computer running, but so does my media playback. Only exception would be internet radio, which does not need so detailed controls.
can somebody post example how to set value of virtual input which is analog - in Loxone online documentation there is only example how to trigger Virtual input as digital input (PulseUp/PulseDown).
problem resolved - reason was that there was "User interface password" on control. Eventhough user/pass combination is same it didnt work. After removal of thick "User interface password" things works as expected.
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