RS232 with matrix switcher

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    RS232 with matrix switcher


    I hope someone does understand what i want and can help me with it.

    I have a rs232 extension and i want to control a HDMI matrix controller with it. I have the codes and the information from the manufacturer but i it doesn't work. So what am i doing wrong or is it not possible to control the switch with loxone.
    I have included the manual (codes) i only need the possibility to switch all the other functions is not important for me.

    So i like to know if i am doing something wrong or that it is not possible?

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    I assume that you have properly set the RS232 according to the manual
    Baudrate : 115200
    Data width : 8bit
    Parity : none
    Stop : 2 bits

    By comparing example in the manual and your screnshot I see different.

    By manual : A5 5B 02 03 02 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 F8
    Your : A5 5B 02 00 00 03 01 00 03 00 00 00 00 00 F8

    It is problem. That must be 13 bytes. You have 15 bytes. And don't forget that you must by another hexa string calculated checksum.

    Have a nice day.


    • onkelfu
      Extension Master
      • 29.12.2015
      • 110

      What is the model and the producer of the matrix switch? I'm searching for one that works with loxone. Thanks!

      Gesendet von iPhone mit Tapatalk

