I have made the following test:
a) I have a PB which can trigger output AQ1: via virtual input "test PB Light 1", which trigger Input i1
b) I have a movement trigger "Test movement", that is connected to the "Mv" input and a "Count" input for scene selection that is connected to input "MS"
c) The Push button "Drukknop" deactivates the movement input via "DisMv"
When the PB triggers, an output is triggered and output AQ1 will turn on and output AQs indicates "-1". (see 1st figure). Seems ok. I guess -1 means "no scene".
Triggering the PB again, AQ1 will turn off and output AQs will indicate "0".
The PB has precedence over movement via "Drukknop", meaning that in case the PB trigger, turns on the output AQ1, the "Mv"-input will be disabled.
In case the PB is not triggered and there is movement, then via the "Mv" input and "MS" input the scene 2 is triggered and the output AQ2 is turned on.
The AQs output will refer to the scene, e.g. "2". (see 2nd figure)
When the scene, as described above is triggered, via movement and I now the PB triggered, the PB will trigger an output e.g. AQ1.
The scene output remains on AQ2 and AQs indicates "-1" (see 3rd figure)
If now I trigger the PB again to turn off AQ1, the output AQs still indicates "-1" and scene AQ2 cannot be turned off, even if the movement is stopped and not even another scene can be selected. (see 4th and 5th figure).
Only when the reset button is triggered, the AQ2 output will be turned off.
This seems to be weird. I would expect that output AQs would turn to value "2", when the PB light 1 turns off AQ1.