The manufacturer has very kindly written bespoke firmware to allow me to control it remotely. It's going to be used to cool a solar battery enclosure with the water supply connected to a continuous flow.
I've successfully set up the Loxone miniserver to turn the device on and off and change the fan speed using Virtual Outputs.
The UART Serial to Ethernet module is set as a TCP Server. I've got Virtual Outputs for the various functions -
ON: address tcp://, Command for ON - s
OFF: address tcp://, Command for ON - f
Fan speed increase 1 step: address tcp://, Command for ON +
Fan speed decrease 1 step: address tcp://, Command for ON -
The outputs work well but I've had no success reading data from the device using Virtual Inputs.
The data available should be inflow temperature and outflow temperature after cooling. The manufacturer advises that for getting temperature you should read the output of the UART (TCP socket), strings starting from "# Temp1:" and "# Temp2:" containing temperature values. The data updates every second.
Any suggestions on how to set up this sort of Virtual Input?