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is it possible not only to send static text as notification via Mailer, but also to send the actual value? I have set up an alert for temperature in the house dropping too low - temperature inputs going into "Min Max" (to find the minimum temperature), then "Less" comparison and into mailer. But I haven't figured out how to write any valu in the mail body.
<v> (<v.1>, <v.2>, <v.3>) will show the value.
temperature is 10.1°
notification: minimum temperature <v.1> °
Result: minimum temperature 10.1°
<v> (<v.1>, <v.2>, <v.3>) will show the value.
temperature is 10.1°
notification: minimum temperature <v.1> °
Result: minimum temperature 10.1°
By the way, do you know where to find documentation for these template variables?
Hi romildo,
I see. So it's not that a digital pulse activates the Mailer and I'd be able to fetch some additional data (as there are no other inputs). I can use always only one value. Based on my requirements (like to notify only once, when temperature drops below 18 deg.) I have to add some other controls in between to make sure the analog value gets changed only once, when the temperature drops. Am I correct? Or is there any way how to pass more than one value into the e-mail, for instance "Today, it is 10 degrees Celsius and the wind is blowing at 10km/h"?
Hallo zusammen komme hier irgendwie nicht weiter. Habe mir einen Müll Kalender gebaut welcher auch super funktioniert. In der Visiu wird mir angezeigt wann
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