beoplay devices

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    beoplay devices


    I recently bought a couple of beoplay A6. I'd like to switch on/off the devices via the miniserver (http requests). After raising a ticket at B&O I did not get any usefull info: Has someone any experience connection beoplay devices to a miniserver?

    Thanks, Jeroen
  • Gast

    ok, finally got the time and courage to pick this up.

    I started with a sniffer to collect the traffic between the app and the beoplay device. Some findings are found below:

    to stop: post http://<ip>:8080/BeoZone/Zone/Stream/Pause
    to start: post http://<ip>:8080/BeoZone/Zone/Stream/Play

    to get the volume level: GET http://<ip>:8080/BeoZone/Zone/Sound/Volume
    to set the volume level on 60: curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"level":60}' http://<ip>:8080/BeoZone/Zone/Sound/Volume/Speaker/Level

    I tried to get this in loxone via an http connector, so far without any luck: a fhem server is already in place to overcome the imperfections of the loxone miniserver but it feels like a hugh failure to add this device to fhem as well.

    Already contacted loxone support (BE/NL) and they told me that they do not have the time to assist me because more important issues needed to be solved..

    Any thoughts how to tackle this?


    Zuletzt geändert von Gast; 28.11.2017, 17:20.

