Controlling Modbus/TCP in binary

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    Controlling Modbus/TCP in binary


    We need to control ventilation system with loxone controller but this time the system is a bit different than in most of the cases.
    While usually there is one parameter bind to one register number, then this time there is two.
    I send a screenshot of a part of the manual so you’d get the idea.
    Klicke auf die Grafik für eine vergrößerte Ansicht

Name: 1.png
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ID: 76558
    As you can see there is two different parameters related to one register address.
    These are seperated as MSB (most significant bit) and LSB (least significant bit).
    I found out that It works in binary system and so I can somehow control it even with decimal number system which loxone supports.
    For example if the MSB of register address is 0000 0001, then the vent is turned on. and if the LSB describes the vent speed from 0-255 (0000 0000 to 1111 1111)
    So If I want to turn it on with half speed, I just have to send the vent number 378 (0000 0001 0111 1010). This means MSB equals 1 and LSB equals 122 (half of the max, which is 255, so 50% speed)

    Now while these things I could figure out, then the problem comes with error handling, where each byte means a different error.
    for example 0000 0000 000x 0000. The number in position x means that if it is 1, then there is an error, if it is 0, then everything is okay. But it is impossible to write it as decimal because we can never know the values of the other bytes. Are there errors or not.

    So there is my question. Can Loxone Config handle these kind of situations? Can it read seperate bytes somehow?

    Thank you!
  • Gast

    I could use binary decoder to read half the signal. The thing is it has 8 outputs (bits). But I have signal of 16 bits.
    Binary decoder works with decimals 0-255 but I need 0-65535


    • Christian L.
      Smart Home'r
      • 25.08.2015
      • 96

      In the loxwiki You find something What can help You.


      • Gast

        Thank you! This solves the case!

