Miniserver loads very old config overnight, until I reboot the miniserver

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    Miniserver loads very old config overnight, until I reboot the miniserver

    Something weird is going on with my Loxone Miniserver and I don't know what.
    I've saved my config in the miniserver which has around 10 pages to control simple lighting and some simple automatic blind controllers.
    This morning I arrived at our construction site (we live elsewhere until all work is finished) and I couldn't activate the blinds using the app. I could connect and they where there but they where disabled... So I opened my laptop, connected to the miniserver and loaded the active miniserver config. Now for some bizar reason it had loaded a very old config. There were no more inputs or outputs and only a lighting controller was there without anything attached.

    Then I turned off the power to the miniserver and switched it back on and checked the active config again. Now it did load the correct one and all was working again?

    Does anyone know what might cause this behavior?
  • Thomas Kührer
    LoxBus Spammer
    • 25.08.2015
    • 393

    Check Date/Time from the Miniserver. Has the Miniserver a connection to Internet (to get Date/Time)?


    • Gast

      I have now changed the date/time to manual but I noticed something else: My miniserver is rebooting around every hour. Could this happen for a reason or is it just broken?


      • olicat
        MS Profi
        • 25.08.2015
        • 558


        do you have the weather-service configured but no internet access? This service tries to get weather-data hourly. Without access to the internet the MS may reboot.

        Which software-version do you use?

        Regards, Oliver

