PicoC assistance requested - Wunderground Program - 'memory not valid'

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    Lox Guru
    • 31.08.2016
    • 1035


    PicoC assistance requested - Wunderground Program - 'memory not valid'

    I refer to this post on the German forum -

    Hallo Loxforum! Weil ich im alten Forum schon immer ein begeisterter Leser der HowTo´s war, möchte ich nun meinen Teil dazu beisteuern. Ich habe ein PicoC

    or via Google Translate -

    The PicoC program runs successfully for those outputs triggered by AI2 ('Forecast Today', 'Forecast Tomorrow' and 'Forecast day after Tomorrow').

    The outputs triggered by AI1 (listed below from the Loxone Log file) run successfully for one iteration. The second triggering of the AI1 input causes a 'memory not valid' error. In the log example below, it's triggered every 3 minutes.

    I don't know what Loxone version the PicoC program was written for, however when importing the .loxone file from the link above, a message says "Note: The document was adjusted to be compatible with the latest version. Please save the changes!". I suspect this adjustment may be the issue (or the bug might be integral to the original file).

    I'm running Loxone v7.4.4.14

    2017-01-23 08:56:06.187;Wunderground-API: observation_time:Last Updated on Januar 23, 08:56 AWST
    2017-01-23 08:56:06.265;Wunderground-API: magic:10
    2017-01-23 08:56:06.339;Wunderground-API: wmo:94608
    2017-01-23 08:56:06.417;Wunderground-API: latitude:-31.939238
    2017-01-23 08:56:06.491;Wunderground-API: longitude:115.851273
    2017-01-23 08:56:06.569;Wunderground-API: elevation:25.9
    2017-01-23 08:56:06.645;Wunderground-API: weather:Heiter
    2017-01-23 08:56:06.721;Wunderground-API: temp_c:21.2
    2017-01-23 08:56:06.797;Wunderground-API: relative_humidity:50%
    2017-01-23 08:56:06.871;Wunderground-API: wind_degrees:259
    2017-01-23 08:56:06.951;Wunderground-API: wind_dir:West
    2017-01-23 08:56:07.025;Wunderground-API: wind_mph:6.0
    2017-01-23 08:56:07.101;Wunderground-API: wind_gust_mph:7.4
    2017-01-23 08:56:07.177;Wunderground-API: wind_kph:9.7
    2017-01-23 08:56:07.253;Wunderground-API: wind_gust_kph:11.9
    2017-01-23 08:56:07.331;Wunderground-API: pressure_mb:1017
    2017-01-23 08:56:07.409;Wunderground-API: pressure_in:30.04
    2017-01-23 08:56:07.483;Wunderground-API: pressure_trend:0
    2017-01-23 08:56:07.561;Wunderground-API: dewpoint_f:51
    2017-01-23 08:56:07.635;Wunderground-API: dewpoint_c:10
    2017-01-23 08:56:07.711;Wunderground-API: heat_index_f:NA
    2017-01-23 08:56:07.789;Wunderground-API: heat_index_c:NA
    2017-01-23 08:56:07.865;Wunderground-API: windchill_f:NA
    2017-01-23 08:56:07.941;Wunderground-API: windchill_c:NA
    2017-01-23 08:56:08.013;Wunderground-API: feelslike_f:70.2
    2017-01-23 08:56:08.091;Wunderground-API: feelslike_c:21.2
    2017-01-23 08:56:08.167;Wunderground-API: visibility_mi:6.2
    2017-01-23 08:56:08.243;Wunderground-API: visibility_km:10.0
    2017-01-23 08:56:08.319;Wunderground-API: solarradiation:575
    2017-01-23 08:56:08.395;Wunderground-API: precip_1hr_in:0.00
    2017-01-23 08:56:08.471;Wunderground-API: precip_1hr_metric: 0
    2017-01-23 08:56:08.547;Wunderground-API: precip_today_in:0.00
    2017-01-23 08:56:08.623;Wunderground-API: precip_today_metric:0
    2017-01-23 08:56:08.625;Wunderground-API: Last Updated on Januar 23, 08:56 AWST
    2017-01-23 08:59:08.152;memory not valid

    I'd be very appreciative of any PicoC conversant person to cast their eye over this.
    Ich spreche kein Deutsch. Gib Google Translate die Schuld, wenn ich unverständlich bin.