Photovoltaic systems electric production (fronius? )

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  • killeriq
    Smart Home'r
    • 18.09.2015
    • 91


    Photovoltaic systems electric production (fronius? )


    Not sure where is the right topic to start this question - if not move somewhere else.

    Im in plan to buy photovoltaic system, as here in Czech republic is some Green support program from state.

    2-3Kw without batteries = dotation 2000e , so i pay around 2000e
    2-3Kw with batteries = dotation 4000e, so i pay also around 4000e

    Still deciding if i take batteries also , its like 2000e more.

    Anyway - is there any other supported HW then Fronius? with integration with Loxone. Found already some german topic about it.

    If someone would like to share his experiences PROs/CONs i would be thankful, this week there is some Expo (FOR PASIV) in Prague where im going to check and find some more detials. But i doubt any of thore companies there would have direct experience with Loxone setup.

    Also the "energy manager" read something its available just till version 6.4 and from 7+ its being worked on.
    Just to clarify if i want to manage power distribution to devices (washmaschine, waterheater) all needs to be directly connected to loxone to manage the power supply or it can just send it to whole house electric infrastructure?

    As i dont ave any electric plug directly connected to loxone ...

  • duncan
    LoxBus Spammer
    • 28.08.2015
    • 313

    most of the energy you produce will be in the day, but most consumption is generally at night

    if you can re-use that daytime energy to reduce your consumption then you save money and offset your 2k or 4k contribution - that can be done in 3 ways:

    1) use the batteries, then all the generated power is saved in your house, and you can use it any time without having to control individual devices
    however, the payback time for the 4k will still be a long time

    2) use loxone to manage devices during the day when you are producing power - eg washing machines etc when production is high enough
    this can be complex and you need more wiring or loxone infrastructure, and some devices cant be easily paused once they are running

    3) simply capture the electricity produced in the day as heat energy - eg have a big hot water tank, maybe storage type cooker and use loxone to manage the feed to the hot water tanks so that the power consumption is never higher than production (basically a large dimmer that can handle the 3-6kw, these cost around £80-£100 and is controlled by loxone with a 0-10v output and just needs a couple of cheap consumption meters, 1 to measure production and 1 to measure consumption by your devices)
    if you already use electricity for hot water/heating then this is the most efficient, although if you use a cheaper fuel (eg i am using gas for heating) then it converts the savings from the electricity energy rate (12-15p/kw) to a saving in gas (5-6p/kw) which now isnt heating the hot water
    Zuletzt geändert von duncan; 07.02.2017, 12:00.


    • killeriq
      Smart Home'r
      • 18.09.2015
      • 91

      Hey, thanks for info

      Yeah im aware the production is during the day...but forgot to mention , have wife at home with kid so she can do the power managing during the day, but wont be this way forever.

      1. Even she is at home still considering the battery option, as lets say if i put 4000e into bank saving account it will generate me like 1.5-2%/year top - 80e? This energy saving cost could save me around 200-300e without battery and 400-500e/y with battery , so i would say thats still good investment.
      Still will need to check what is the life span of such system (on the expo)

      2. yeah its complex - each electric plug separate cable to Relay in Loxone

      3. i have already electric water heater tank 150l - this one is connected directly to loxone (lucky me )

