Using multiclick on Lighting block - no more dimming?

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    Using multiclick on Lighting block - no more dimming?

    I was looking for a way to do more with my pushbuttons than simply turning the light on or off. So I added a multiclick block between the PB and the lighting block. One click sets the light on or off, two clicks switches the entire lighting block off, three clicks is "all off" for the entire house and four clicks switches on the Sonos radio. This all works very good.

    But I've noticed that, since I used the multiclick block, I cannot dim my lights using long presses any more. This used to work without a problem. Is there a way to fix this?
    Zuletzt geändert von Gast; 22.10.2015, 11:23.
  • duncan
    LoxBus Spammer
    • 28.08.2015
    • 313

    this adds a slight delay, but it seems to work.
    use the triple output for your own all off, or use the central function
    use the quad output for your sonos function


    • Gast

      Thanks Duncan. This indeed works. But I forgot to mention that I'm actually using swapping scenes. So the Q1 of the multi-click is connected to the + or - . I'm guessing it's pretty much impossible do then? (I've already tried it with your solution - doesn't work)

      I'm using scenes because that allow me to only use two pushbbuttons instead of four in the living room (I've got 4 AQ's).


      • duncan
        LoxBus Spammer
        • 28.08.2015
        • 313

        Klicke auf die Grafik für eine vergrößerte Ansicht

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ID: 9394 as far as i know, holding down a switch connected to the + input or scene inputs never dimmed the scene anyway...

        use a dimmer block to scale the output -
        try this in combination with my other post and let me know if it works
        Zuletzt geändert von duncan; 23.10.2015, 00:04.


        • Gast

          Thanks Duncan! I'll give it a try next week, I'm not home this weekend. Would you mind revealing to me what it is exactly that you are doing there? I'd like to learn from your way of thinking, this may help me with future problem-solving.

          I'd like to ask the same for your other post. I understand more or less what you're doing there, except for the analogue memory block. What is the added value of this block there. (obviously it makes it work, but I would like to learn how it works.



          • duncan
            LoxBus Spammer
            • 28.08.2015
            • 313

            Klicke auf die Grafik für eine vergrößerte Ansicht

Name: Capture.JPG
Ansichten: 1037
Größe: 102,1 KB
ID: 9619
            the analog memory block is used to transfer the long click to the input of the light controller, once the single click of the multiclick is triggered - the multiclick can only output short pulses so cant pass through the long click. the push switch resets the memory when the button is released otherwise the lights constantly cycle up and down. you could build this with an analog multiplexer but the memory is simpler. the multiclick needs to be kept to ensure that triple and quad clicks dont get passed onto the lighting controller otherwise you end up with the lights being turned on and off or on/off/on

            by adding another dimmer block and some multipliers on the outputs, all the outputs of the lighting controller are reduced by the same % at the same time, so diming any scene by the % output of the dimmer block (something that loxone say cant be done)
            Zuletzt geändert von duncan; 24.10.2015, 21:57.


            • duncan
              LoxBus Spammer
              • 28.08.2015
              • 313

              Klicke auf die Grafik für eine vergrößerte Ansicht

Name: Capture.JPG
Ansichten: 867
Größe: 90,1 KB
ID: 9627
              this 2 button version is much more functional - 1 for scene selection and 1 for dimmer value
              Zuletzt geändert von duncan; 24.10.2015, 22:16.


              • Gast

                Wow! This is perfect! I'll have a got at it tomorrow, I'm looking forward to it! Also, thanks very much for the detailed explanation Duncan, now I understand a lot better!



                • Gast

                  Thanks for the post Duncan. I've used your logic and have modified it to work as volume up / volume down for press and hold functions on some of my light switches with 2 buttons.

                  In rooms where there is only a single button, I've connected the AQ output of the Dimmer into Alv on the music server zone, so that the first press and hold increases the volume and the second press and hold decreases the volume.

                  Very cool. Thanks again.

                  Zuletzt geändert von Gast; 20.11.2015, 16:02.


                  • Gast

                    Fine such program examples, very instructive.

                    I also want to make something similar, but with 3 dimmer modes (30%, 50% and 100%) which I can switch on quickly with 2, 3 or 4 clicks.
                    1 click must turn the lamp on or off.

                    I don't know if Loxone config version 10 can make things easier? How can I simply use the pulse from the MultiClick block to add a value of for example 30% to my DMX dimmer?


                    • Gast

                      I have made some progress in creating the presets for the dimmer values, but when I hold the push button it has to start the dimming value (increasing/decreasing) but that takes a while to start and how do I connect the output of the dimmer block to the output of the analogue mulitplexer.

                      Klicke auf die Grafik für eine vergrößerte Ansicht

Name: Dimmer presets.jpg
Ansichten: 1340
Größe: 29,2 KB
ID: 196149

