Some questions about Loxone

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  • markgraves
    • 18.10.2024
    • 1


    Some questions about Loxone

    I'm new to the forum. I have two questions.
    1. Can loxone be connected to matter thread switchs in the future? any addons?
    2. Does generix modbus switches work with loxone?
    Hope that someone can answer me. Thanks in advance!
  • Pentium789
    Extension Master
    • 04.11.2019
    • 104


    1. Loxone Matter integration is currently very experimental and nobody outside loxone can tell you if this will ever work properly, I would never use such third party integrations for essential features, because there is no guarantee this will work and will be supported in future.

    2. if this question is about Modbus Relay Switches like this Waveshare 16 or 32 Channel Relay boards, then yes the will work with Loxone, Modbus is standard protocol.

    have a nice day
    BR, Daniel
    Loxone Partner aus Niederösterreich (Mostviertel), Ihr könnt mich gerne per PN kontaktieren wenn ich euch bei einem Projekt unterschützen kann egal ob klein, groß, Neubau oder Erweiterung....

